- Einfach bedienbares Kontrollpanel im Heizungskeller
- Kontrollpanel ebenso über Rechner und Smartphone vom internen LAN/WLAN aus
- Manuelle Anforderung Kurzbewässerung am Ventil
- Keine Batterien im Aussenbereich
- Sicheres Schliessen aller Ventile bei Stomausfall
- Warnung, besser Schliessen der Ventile, bei Kabelbruch oder Kurzschluss
- Möglichst keine Dauerstromversorgung im Aussenbereich
- Bodenfeuchte- und Temperaturmessung von Ventilkästen aus an mehreren Stellen
- Eventuell Statuspanel (ohne Kontrolle) über Internet
- Raspberry 4.B-1.1: PostgreSQL datenbank, MQTT, Node-red
- t5_mqtthub: Teensy 4.0, W5500 Ethernet, TJA1050 CAN, MQTT boot client, CAN boot server, MQTT-CAN-bridge
- t5_haus, t5_sensorbox, t5_garage, t5_valves, t5_electro: CAN boot loader
t5_valves | t5_haus | t5_garage | t5_mqtthub | t5_sensorbox | t5_lamp | t5_electro | |
topic | valves, valve, vcc | haus, hl, valve | garage | hub | sensorbox, rain, vcc | lamp | electro, watt |
pcb | can 15valves v02 | can_heiztemp1284_v01_mod | t5_garage01.sch | tbd | t5_sensorbox_hw02 | tbd | tbd |
hw | iom328pb.h, 16M, 8M | iom1284p.h, 16M, 8M | iom328p.h, 8M, 8M | TEENSY40 (3V3/600MHz) | iom328pb.h, 16M, 16M | TEENSY32 (3V3/96MHz) | iom328pb.h, 16M, 8M, SPI1 |
bootload | canboot | canboot | canboot | AcanT3T4Flasher | canboot | AcanT3T4Flasher | canboot |
sw | t5_valves02 | t5_haus02 | t5_garage01 | t5_mqtthub02 | t5_sensorbox02, t5_sensorbox04 | t5_lamp02 | t5_electro02 |
id | 6404 | 12810 | 19212 | 680119 | 6661, 6657 | 88007 | 12809 |
no | 4 | 11 | 12 | N/A | 5, 1 | 14 | 9 |
- Document t5_mqtthubelectro.
- Document t5_haus WW-WMZ.
- Overvoltage protection of all garden lines.
- Document relais utilisation to switch outdoor lighting from car park
- Document electrical wiring in seperate wiki section
- document all schematics in eagle
- t5_mqtthub can migrate onto RasPi
- RasPi should share GND with T5 GND. Currently the RasPi ACK is not nice on the CAN bus. Temporarily RasPi could implement LISTEN-ONLY mode (sudo ip link set can0 type can listen-only on).
- t5_valvebox can become t5_sensorbox w/o valve management ability
- Nice display and button user interface for t5_haus and t5_valves.
- revisit treppe
- button to switch on pathway lighting
- update all hardware and software documentation (t5 nodes, wires, raspi postgresql/nodered/sma-bt.py/candump.py)
- document mosquitto on router between database and t5_mqtthub
- improve BT reception between SMA and RasPi
- generate alerts when missing source mqtt status reports in database
- 3d-print waterproof protective valve caps
- Emit vcc under t5/update
- Emit canboot under e.g. t5/boot (the latter making the B.3 CAN FIRMWAREREQUEST message superfluous)?
- Better protection of JSON transmission against transmission errors like message swaps.
- t5_valves, t5_haus: Ok to drive small display with 5V?
- t5_valvebox: Investigate CAN errors at power up. Brownout level? Wait a bit? Check Vcc?
- Review and consolidate all TODO entries in t5 source code.
- t5_garage: 09-Oct-2022 14:10 UTC: Dewpoint outside 8°C inside 11°C but fan is off?
- canboot: Test new canboot version 10-Oct-2022 23:10 on device 13, then deploy onto all (t5_valvebox, t5_valves, t5_haus, t5_garage and t5_electro).
- CAN_ISR_INT doesn't work
- Publish source code via e.g. github (t5, canboot, modifications to standard arduino libraries, acanutil, t34_flasher, node-red automation, mqtt database config and automation, …)
- Move those bullet points onto a dedicated Wiki page
- Hourly collection of ALL vcal250a data points.
- t5_garage: Pull IRLML6244 with 12k down to GND. Add 2*100nF to Atmega328P. Make display and peripherals pluggable. Supply display with 5V.
- canboot: Read SPDR when SPIF is set to avoid send and receive errors. Assure that SPIF is clear after disabling SPI prior to calling application. Deploy onto t5_garage, t5_valves, t5_electro and t5_valvebox.
- t5_haus: Make canboot-moveflash and canboot call to moveflash compatible with m1284p. Test and deploy.
- node-red: Insert t5/reboot, t5/status vcc and t5/status canboot into database.
- t5_valves: Change R16 into R16B (such that +5VIO is supplied by default as in t5_haus) and remove bridge from +5V to +5VIO. Also install pin headers at PAD-DISP to make display exchangeable.
- t5_valvebox: Device 6406 publishes an enormous amount of mqtt „t5/boot/0“ messages „{„id“:6406,“mcusr„:132}“ upon hard power cycle. This happens when due to intf or eflg the state returns to BOOT_REQUEST_BEGIN. We now ignore intf and eflg (but report any bits ever set values when the boot load is done).
- t5_garage: Make display update not block longer than 1ms
- canboot: Make canboot fit t5_electro with SPI1.
- t5_haus: Repair broken display.
t5.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2025/02/04 19:37 von sebastian