




  1. Einfach bedienbares Kontrollpanel im Heizungskeller
  2. Kontrollpanel ebenso über Rechner und Smartphone vom internen LAN/WLAN aus
  3. Manuelle Anforderung Kurzbewässerung am Ventil
  4. Keine Batterien im Aussenbereich
  5. Sicheres Schliessen aller Ventile bei Stomausfall
  6. Warnung, besser Schliessen der Ventile, bei Kabelbruch oder Kurzschluss
  7. Möglichst keine Dauerstromversorgung im Aussenbereich
  8. Bodenfeuchte- und Temperaturmessung von Ventilkästen aus an mehreren Stellen
  9. Eventuell Statuspanel (ohne Kontrolle) über Internet


  1. Raspberry 4.B-1.1: PostgreSQL datenbank, MQTT, Node-red
  2. t5_mqtthub: Teensy 4.0, W5500 Ethernet, TJA1050 CAN, MQTT boot client, CAN boot server, MQTT-CAN-bridge
  3. t5_haus, t5_sensorbox, t5_garage, t5_valves, t5_electro: CAN boot loader
t5_valves t5_haus t5_garage t5_mqtthub t5_sensorbox t5_lamp t5_electro
topic valves, valve, vcc haus, hl, valve garage hub sensorbox, rain, vcc lamp electro, watt
pcb can 15valves v02 can_heiztemp1284_v01_mod t5_garage01.sch tbd t5_sensorbox_hw02 tbd tbd
hw iom328pb.h, 16M, 8M iom1284p.h, 16M, 8M iom328p.h, 8M, 8M TEENSY40 (3V3/600MHz) iom328pb.h, 16M, 16M TEENSY32 (3V3/96MHz) iom328pb.h, 16M, 8M, SPI1
bootload canboot canboot canboot AcanT3T4Flasher canboot AcanT3T4Flasher canboot
sw t5_valves02 t5_haus02 t5_garage01 t5_mqtthub02 t5_sensorbox02, t5_sensorbox04 t5_lamp02 t5_electro02
id 6404 12810 19212 680119 6661, 6657 88007 12809
no 4 11 12 N/A 5, 1 14 9


  • Document t5_mqtthubelectro.
  • Document t5_haus WW-WMZ.
  • Overvoltage protection of all garden lines.
  • Document relais utilisation to switch outdoor lighting from car park
  • Document electrical wiring in seperate wiki section
  • document all schematics in eagle
  • t5_mqtthub can migrate onto RasPi
  • RasPi should share GND with T5 GND. Currently the RasPi ACK is not nice on the CAN bus. Temporarily RasPi could implement LISTEN-ONLY mode (sudo ip link set can0 type can listen-only on).
  • t5_valvebox can become t5_sensorbox w/o valve management ability
  • Nice display and button user interface for t5_haus and t5_valves.
  • revisit treppe
  • button to switch on pathway lighting
  • update all hardware and software documentation (t5 nodes, wires, raspi postgresql/nodered/
  • document mosquitto on router between database and t5_mqtthub
  • improve BT reception between SMA and RasPi
  • generate alerts when missing source mqtt status reports in database
  • 3d-print waterproof protective valve caps
  • Emit vcc under t5/update
  • Emit canboot under e.g. t5/boot (the latter making the B.3 CAN FIRMWAREREQUEST message superfluous)?
  • Better protection of JSON transmission against transmission errors like message swaps.
  • t5_valves, t5_haus: Ok to drive small display with 5V?
  • t5_valvebox: Investigate CAN errors at power up. Brownout level? Wait a bit? Check Vcc?
  • Review and consolidate all TODO entries in t5 source code.
  • t5_garage: 09-Oct-2022 14:10 UTC: Dewpoint outside 8°C inside 11°C but fan is off?
  • canboot: Test new canboot version 10-Oct-2022 23:10 on device 13, then deploy onto all (t5_valvebox, t5_valves, t5_haus, t5_garage and t5_electro).
  • CAN_ISR_INT doesn't work
  • Publish source code via e.g. github (t5, canboot, modifications to standard arduino libraries, acanutil, t34_flasher, node-red automation, mqtt database config and automation, …)
  • Move those bullet points onto a dedicated Wiki page


  • Hourly collection of ALL vcal250a data points.
  • t5_garage: Pull IRLML6244 with 12k down to GND. Add 2*100nF to Atmega328P. Make display and peripherals pluggable. Supply display with 5V.
  • canboot: Read SPDR when SPIF is set to avoid send and receive errors. Assure that SPIF is clear after disabling SPI prior to calling application. Deploy onto t5_garage, t5_valves, t5_electro and t5_valvebox.
  • t5_haus: Make canboot-moveflash and canboot call to moveflash compatible with m1284p. Test and deploy.
  • node-red: Insert t5/reboot, t5/status vcc and t5/status canboot into database.
  • t5_valves: Change R16 into R16B (such that +5VIO is supplied by default as in t5_haus) and remove bridge from +5V to +5VIO. Also install pin headers at PAD-DISP to make display exchangeable.
  • t5_valvebox: Device 6406 publishes an enormous amount of mqtt „t5/boot/0“ messages „{„id“:6406,“mcusr„:132}“ upon hard power cycle. This happens when due to intf or eflg the state returns to BOOT_REQUEST_BEGIN. We now ignore intf and eflg (but report any bits ever set values when the boot load is done).
  • t5_garage: Make display update not block longer than 1ms
  • canboot: Make canboot fit t5_electro with SPI1.
  • t5_haus: Repair broken display.
t5.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2025/02/04 19:37 von sebastian