CAN Kommunikation
Step | From | To | Message |
1 | Client | Hub | HEARTBEAT(0x200|nr), len=8, data=uptime:32,interval:16,apimajor:8,apiminor:8 |
2 | Hub | Mqtt | 'iot/heartbeat/' nr : '{"uptime":' uptime ',"interval":' interval ',"apiversion": apimajor '.' apiminor '}' |
Step | From | To | Message |
1 | Hub | Client | HUBBEAT(0x280), len=8, data=uptime:32,interval:16,0x0010:16 |
2 | Hub | Mqtt | 'iot/heartbeat/hub' : '{"uptime":' uptime ',"interval":' interval '}' |
Step | From | To | Message |
1 | Client | Hub | JSON(0x240|nr), len=8, data=json |
n-1 | Client | Hub | JSON(0x240|nr), len=8, data=json |
n | Client | Hub | JSON(0x240|nr), len=6/7, data=frames:16, crc:16, jsonlen:16 [,heading=status(0),update(1):8] |
n+1 | Hub | Mqtt | 'iot/status/'/'iot/update/' nr : json |
Step | From | To | Message |
1 | Mqtt | Hub | 'iot/set/' nr : json |
2 | Hub | Client | JSON(0x240|nr), len=8, data=json |
n-1 | Hub | Client | JSON(0x240|nr), len=8, data=json |
n | Hub | Client | JSON(0x240|nr), len=6/7, data=frames:16, crc:16, jsonlen:16[,heading=set(2):8] |
The crc of the JSON completion frame pertains to all data frames for len=6, plus the completion frame itself (with the crc set to 0) for len=7
Expect clients to have only a limited amount of memory at hand to process incoming JSON requests.
Expect clients to implement only a limited form of JSON parsing, for instance only allowing integer numbers or strings as values.
TODO: Are clients able to receive JSON data at high pace? Otherwise either the Hub should throttle or ACKs should be introduced.
TODO: Include frames and jsonlen of last frame into crc.
MQTT Hub Kommunikation
Step | From | To | Message |
1 | Hub | Mqtt | 'iot/heartbeat/hub': '{"uptime":' uptime ',"interval":' interval '}' |
Step | From | To | Message |
1 | Hub | Mqtt | 'iot/status/hub': '{"id":' deviceno ', "hw":"TEENSY40", "type":"mqtthub", "sw": "' sw '"}' |
t5_mqtthub.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2023/05/09 10:27 von sebastian